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Township (Moorestown) Minute Book |
The transcript below was done by Bayard Kraft and has been re-entered into electronic format by Sone of our project members. It covers the years 1692-1721, although the town fathers, being thrifty, apparently made some later entries on these pages. It is not the entire document. We're working on that. Note thatMr. Kraft had a habit of using fs whenever he encountered tall skinny s's. So, for instance, assessors may in some spots be rendered affeffors or something like it.
We are grateful to Mr. Kraft for his work of transcription and especially to our hard working contributor who made publication possible..
COPY OF TOWN RECORDS Transcribed from the Original Records by Bayard R. Kraft Moorestown, NJ Beginning 1692 Again by S. Homer Moorestown, NJ
2003 Whereas the Inhabitants of the townshipp of Chefter Allais
ponsokeing have thought fitte And mutually Agreed Uppon that if Any of ye house
houlder Residenth within the sd townshipp Doth neglect his serovice Att
mendings of Bridgres and High Ways within our townshipp having A Lawfull
Sumones shall pay or causse to be payd three shillings per day for defalt of
--- May 26 1692 Being the 1 Day of
January 1693 Whereas the Inhabitants of the Townshipp of Chefter alias
ponfokean hath had A town metting conserninge the town Biffness as foloweth
chossing of constabl And overseers of HeighWay & Ordering of them that
neglectad their service att mending & Repairinge of ye High Ways the Lasy
year to pay their fine three shilling per Day as foloweth Imprimis 1 s o Moure Coxe 0 3 0 Elias Toy 0 3 0 Frederick King 0 3 0 Will Harvie 0 3 0 John Ford 0 3 0 Thomas Moff 0 3 0 John Walker 0 3 0 Whereas the Inhabitants of the Townshipp of Chefter have
had townmeetting on this 18th day of March 1693 Feffors
Chossen for the County Taxe alfo the same for the Pnincciale Taxe and also
colecttors for the cathoring of the sd Taxe John Rudderow Fefforf Jamef Shernynn Thomas Frence Collector PAGE 2 CONFTABLES 1714
Allen 1741 Joshua Humipris 1715
Walker 1742 John Cowperthwait 1716
Mackney 1743 Sameuell Stockes 1717
Chambers 1744 Ezekel Hardon 1718
Clifton 1719
Matlack 1720
Lipincot 1721
Warinton 1722
Laconey 1723
Stiles 1724
Stockes 1725
Heulings Juner 1726
Rudderow Juner 1727
Hoggset 1728
Lipincutt 1729
Ward 1730
Hollinshed 1731
Toy 1732
Middleton 1733
Clemons 1734
Claypole 1735
Fargurson 1736
Wallis 1737
Philips 1738
Meeer 1739
Budein 1740
Heritage Page 3 It is Agreed uppon By the Inhabytants of the Townshippe
of Chefter Alias Ponfokeing yt the Conftable for ye Townshippe is to be Locally
Choofed By ye Inhabitants of Chefter Townshipp By voat & the mager
coat Careys itt CONSTABLES 1694
Hernyn 1695
Allen 1696
Maklack 1697
Toy 1712 Thomas Addames 1698
King 1713
Abraham Hulings 1698
Jufta Fish in the place of Frederick King 1699
Coxe 1700
Cowperthwait 1701
Coxe 1702
Rudderowe 1703
Stiles 1704
Adames 1705
French 1706
Conero 1707
Heritage 1708
Burgefs 1709
Frier 1710
Roberts 1711
Packer Page 4 right Thereas the inhabitants of the townshipp of Chefter By
all Confent thought fitt to have every
perticelar within the bounds of the townshipp to Entter & Record their
Cattels Eear marks in the town Boooke or Record As followeth EAR
MARKS Imprimis
Page 4 left It
is Agread upon by the Inhabitants of the Tonefxhip of Chester for
the ouverfeurs of the poer to be chosan by vote and the magor
vote shall carrie it. Imprimis 1702 Thomas
Wallis 1725 John Coperthwait Abraham
Hillings Henrey
Warinton 1707 Hugh
Sharp 1726 John Coperthwait John
Coperthwait Samell
Atkinson 1708 Thomas
French 1727 John Coperthwait John
Hollinshed Samell
Atkinson 1709 Robert
Stiles 1728 John Coperthwait William
Hollinshed Samuel
Atkinson 1710 Willaim
Matlack 1729 John Coperthwait John
Chambers Sameuell
Atkinson 1711 James
Addames 1730 John Chambers James
Leeconey 1712 Joseph
Heritage 1713 Samell Burges 1731 Danel Comron John
Brooks 1714 John Roberts 1715 Elias Toy 1732 John Rudderrow Juner John
Rudderrow Mathias
iwn 1716 Matthew
Allen 1733 William Mcllinshed Juner William
Matlack Jacob
Lipinccut 1717 Thomas
Lipincot 1734 Phillip Wallis Simon
Clifton James
Sherwin 1718 Matthew
Allen 1735 Joseph Brown James
Shearwin Frederick
Toy 1719 Matthew
Allen 1736 Joseph Claypol James
Sherrwin Canel
Toy 1720 James
Adames 1737 George Matlack Anthoney
Frier Nathan
Middleton 1721 David
Walker 1738 George Matlack Joseph
Stoakes Nehemiah
Heins 1722 Thomas
Lipincot 1739 George Matlack Thomas
Adames Nehemiah
Heins 1723 Joshua
Wright 1741 John Milborn Henrey
Warinton Nehemiah
Heins 1724
Coperthwait Henrey Warinton March 7 1745/6 Charls French his Ear mark is
a Half Crop o the off Year on the under side a Crop on the near Ear & a
Halpeny on the uper Side of the Ear Edward
Pattisons Ear mark is a Crop a top of theNear Ear & 2 Slits in Page
18 the further Ear
Succeeder to Hugh Sharp Juner April 13th 1747 Thomas
WarringtonÕs Ear mark is a Crop on the top of each Ear & a Halpeny Under
Side each Ear August 27th. 1747 Thomas
Lippincot Sur
Ear mark is a Crop of the further Ear & a Halpeny the upper Side the near
Ear & a Halpeny the under Side the Same Octobr. 12th. 1747 John
Morris Ear Mark is a Crop the top of the near Ear & a Slit the under Side
the off ear March 16 Thomas
Gills Ear Mark is a Whole in the Midle of Each 1749/50 Ear and a Crop on the Top of the off Ear July 28 Darling ConrowÕ Ear Mark is a Slitt 1750
the Midle of the Near Eare and a halpeny the Under Side the
Same Jenuary Adom ShubÕs Ear Mark is a Swallow 18
in the Near Eear and a Crop on the 1753
of the off Ear Juney Richard
Shatterthwaite his Ear Mark is a Slitt 23
the Middle of the Near Ear and a Crop the under 1753
of the Same half way Downy Slitt Ephram Stiles Ear Mark is a
halfpeny in the under Side and the upper Side of the
Off Ear and a Swallow forke In the Near Ear March
ye 11th 1755 Ear Marks Continued in page 60 Single page marked 18 Page 19 Oversears of the Pooer 1740 Nehemiah
Heins Edweard
Clemons 1741 John
Milborn Nehemah
Heins 1742 John
Roberts Hugh
Hollinshed 1743 Lacelet
Brown Auther
Burdal 1744 Peter
Phillips Matthew
Allon Frances
French Ear Mark is a Crop on the
Top of the Near Ear & a Slit the under Side
the off Ear, Entered 14th Janna 1785 Abraham WarringtonÕs Ear Mark,
is a half Crop the under Side of Each Ear November ye 29th 1786Ñ Single page marked page 19 Page 20 By vertue of A warante Granted foorth Bye John Adams
Bearing datte the 20 of December in ye year of our Lord 1700 To sumons in All the Inhabitants & freeehoulders of the township of
Crefter Alias ponfakean for to Conftable
& overfeer for the next year Whereas there was A town Meeting held Bye Vertu of
the forefth Warante the 23rd day of the foresd December for Electing
& shooffing A Conftable By general Voat have chofen Mounc Porge for the next
year for to ferve the Ofice of A Conftable furthermore by Major voat of
the Inhabitants & freehoulders thay have chefen James Adams for the
Overfeer of the High Ways the fucceeding year Being the year of our Lord
1;700:1 And further the freehoulders have Agreed uppon that Every
on of the freehoulders or Inhabitants that neglectenth coming
to the town meeting After hauving Lawfull fumons shall pay the fum of two
shilling & fiave penc fine for not Appearing exept the partie that for
neclecteth sheweth suficient Refon to the fattisfaction of the Reft of
the freehoulders that he would not be coming And further the Agreed that the town Meetteeng should
Be held att the Dwelling houf of John Adams for the prefent And that
they shall meet there By 11th of the Clocke in the
morening Only a single page numbered 20 Page 29
ye right ye 9 day of Desember in ye year of our Lord 1702 then our township of Chester being met togather at
the hous of thomas Wallis
and have mutually agreed that James Adams shall serve Constable for the ensuing year and it is allso it is agred that
Gorge glane Junior is to serve for overser of the highwais for ye yeare
ensuing and it is also agred that John Coperthoyt and Heugh Sharpe is
to be oversears of the poor this yeare Allso it is agreod that Abraham heulings or who also
Shall be apointed to be Clarke Shall have for theyr trouble Six Shillinge
a yeare Itt is mually agreed that when Abraham heulinge
leaveth this town that Heugh Sharp is to be Clarek in his roome Joseph Heritage entred to be Clarke the 21 day of
febry 1709 Nothing was written on page 28 left 30
right Att our town meeting ye 24 of Jenuary 1703 By vertue of a warrend given from ye Court of Quarter
Sessions by adiuzment hold on ye 22th day of Desember last past upon the
County of Burlington for the finishing and Repairing the Court hous and prison
in Burling
aforesaid And in pursuance of ye aforesaid warend Wee haye Chosen Elias Coye Thomas wallis John Coperthoyt John Rudrow Sessory and William hancy and Heugh Sharp Colectors By virtue of a warrant bearing Date ye 7 Day of
January in ye year aforsaid att our town meeting ye 18 Day of Nouomber 1703 att the house of Thomas Wallis it was mutualy agred
that Thomas French is to be Constable and William hackny is to be overseer
of high ways for the ensuing yeare att our town meeting ye 21 of January 1704 att the hous of Thomas wallis by virtue of a warrant
dated Burlington Nova Cesana the twenty fifth day of January 1704
pursuant to a act of asembly past the last session entitled and act
for the Raising of a r Revanye for ye suport of her Maiesties government
wtin This Province in obedience to it wee have given a list of dublicate Page ye 31 right at our townmeeting held ye 21 of september 1705 by vertue of a warrant bearing date ye 8 day of
september for ye finishing of ye prison and Court hous ye meting being held a
the hous of Jacob heulinge and theare and then wee Dide Chuse John hollingshead to Colector of the aforie Said tax we doe apoint John
Cowperthwaite and Jacob heulings to be assesors allso we do Chuse Isaac
Conorad to be Constable By
vertue of a town mitting held att the houss of Jasop Heulings this 17th day of July 1706 By major voatt of the Inhap Elected Anthoney freyer to be Constable for the surreering: att ouer towne meeding held at the houss of James Adames march the 4 diay 1710 it was a greeed that thear Should be raised this Sum of fouer pounds for defraying Charges Thomas Adames asseser to be payd in to the hands of James Adames & Anthoney frier at or before the first Diay of Aprill next ensuing Page 31 left had no writing of any kind on it Page
ye 32 right By
virtue of a warrant baring date ye 10 of July and the
town being met at the hous of Jacob heulings pursuant: it is mutually agreed that Sammuell Burgis
is to be Constable for the insuing yeare allso
it is mutually agreed that willaim Kaekleeh and John Hollinshead is to oversears and
Thomas french of
the poore for the insuing yeare This
14 day of July 1707 by
urby of Judgment baring date ye 27 of nonember 1707
for reasing of mony for Gooder holtt in whearof
we havegiven order for the Raising of
four pounds ten pense the 7
of ye 7 mon 1708 By
vertue of a Townmeting held this Seventh Day of the above sid fristant at
the houss of Will Hackneys for the Township of Chester, it was then mutalyed
agred by the Said inhabitants that Robert Stiles and Will Holingshead are
Chosen oversseer of the pore for the next year Ensuing By
vertue of the above Town meting that Elias Toy John Copathrayt and Jacop
Heulings were Chosen Sasers for the Raising of five pounds and nineteen Shillins
and Eight pense for the Defreing of Charges of a suit depending against
John Holinshead and to be paid into the hands of Abram Heulings Jacob
Heniling and James Adams ar any one of them by the fiftenth og this Instant
september The
Township allowed Joseph heritage one pound and fifteen Shillins six pence for the trobel and Charge that he
was at about Goodder Holter The
Township hath Receivd of Josepth Heritage twoo pounds and ten
shillins and fore pence being the Ramainder of the fore pounds five
shillins and ten pence which was ordered and gathered about by the
town meeting 14 of July 1707 By
virtue of a townmeting held this 21 day of february they
william macklack and John Chambers is chosen ye
overseres of the poore for the nex year Insung Page
ye 33 right 7 of
the 8 month 1708 By
vertue of a town meeting held this Seventh og the Eight month one thousand seven
hundred and Eight at James Addams house for the inhabitants of Chester that
then the Colecters for the Last tax given at the Last town meting ddd then
bring In their amunts and did bring them selves in Crede to the town thirteen
shillins and seven pence halpeny which the inhabitants doe agre to
pay out of their now in hand. By
vertue of the above said metting wee have Chosen John Copathawrt and Thomas Franch
for Sesers for the Raising of Six pounds and fife Shillins ten pence
for the defreing Charges yt may inour of upon this Township of Chester and
wee have also Chosen Hugh Sharp and James Adams of the
said money
and they to billfurder
orders and that Every one of thee said Inhabitants
ti pay it into their hands at or bebore the nine and twenteth of this
futth october the
Town also aggress that wilt Hackny shall have Eight shillins for
Charges about Goodman Hold
0----8----0 also
they agree that James Adames shall
have three shillins --------------0----3----0 and
also they agree that Joseph Heretage shall
have three shillins --------------0----3----0 also
they agree that Will Parks shall
have two shillins and six pence for
Charges about Goodman hold Ð0-----2----0 and
also it is agreed that Eighteen shillins and nine pence being in bank shall be
paid to James Addames hands till furder orders or Demanded by us the inhabitants Receved
18 Shillings & 9 pence of the above
Said money
Receved for
to the assembley for a bridg over ancocas according
to order by Thomas french & James Adames it being
by it was not wait when
disust Page ye 34 right By vertue of a Warant baring date ye Eightenth of the
tenth month one thoufand seven and Eight purfant to ye Said warant
the inhabitants are heir together to Raife two pounds and three shillins and
six pence two pounds being for ye Repairing of ye Cort houfs and the other
three Shillins and six pence for the warant and treafurers feefs wherof
we have Chofan Hugh Sharp and John Holenhead Sefsers at this Town meeting
held at James Adams hous one the day above Said and Jofeph Heritage and
Anthy Fryer
Colecters Chofen at this Town meeting held at James Adams houfs
ye 30th of ye tenth mon 1708 it is alfo mutaly Agreed by ye above inhabitans that
Mount Skine shall serve the office of an over feere of the highways for
the year Enfuing its is
alfo Agreed by ye Said Inhabitans that John Holinhead shall be Conftabel for ye next year Enfuing By vertue of a townde metting held the 21 Day of
february 1709 John Hollinshed was chosen to be constable for the ensuing
yeare Martch ye 21 1708 Receved of Anthoey frier Collecttor for the Township of Chester tow pounds being their part for Repayoring the Court hous and three Shillings and six pence for ye warrant Receving and paing Receved by William Buftill Treasurer Page ye 34
left Memorandum made Anno 1823 Whereas I ASA MATLACK of Chester Township being in
the Store of Ellis StokeÕs, the Town he having
the Town book upon the counter; offered to loan the same,
to me which I accepted of: brought it home with me & copied out therefrom all that I thought would ever
interest me into a book (which my Reader may refer to for more)
the first said book being very ancient; & all to
pieces: a new one being also now procured, I judge this old one
will now soon be intirely Lost-------this sheet being the
first one of the Sd book intirely loose: & now deemed
of no value by any Inhabitant of Sd Township (but by myself) and the names, letters, & marks
of all the inhabitants (or I pre sume nearly so)
of Sd Township of Cheseter make by their own hands upon this sheet ------ I hope to preserve the
same for the sake of its antiquity Asa Matlack Page ye 35 right By Vertue of Town meting held at James Adames this
Sixteenth Day of the tenth month one thoufand Seven hundred and
nine by the inhabitants of the Township of Chester it was then mutily agreed by the Said Inhabitants
that Hugh sharp shall have Six shillins for wrighting for the Said Town for
the year paft and he shall have alfo seven shillins for delivering in
a petition fot he afenbly at amboy for the building of a Bridg over Ancokes and
that he shall be paid when the new Tax is gathered for the defreing of
Charges of the above Said Town Receved the abovesaid 13
shillings of the pound by the hands of James Adames the first Day of
march 1713 It is alfo agreed that Jame Adames and Thomas french
shall have nine shillins and six pence alowed them for Delivering in the above
Said petition to the Afembly man Hugh Sharp and for the writing of the
fame and that it shall be alowed out of the money which James Adams hath in
bank already To
the Conftable of Chester greeting Thou
art hereby required to bring to me or John Reading
a true and perfect lift of all the Inhabitants refidents
housholders Sojourners and freemen within your Said
Town on or before the tenth day of Aprill next enfueing
the date hereof or appoint them to meet me
with thy Self at the house of John Lambert on
the Second day of Aprill next by ten in the morning then
and theare togive me an account of their tax able
eftates purfuant to an act of
Afsembly Intituled an
act for Support of her majeftjes goverment of Nova
Ceefarie or New jerfery
given under my hand this
26 Day of the month Called March 1711 John Willis Afefsor Page ye 36 right May the 29 1710 By vertue of a warrant Baring Date the 20 Day of May 1710 By the hands of Thomas Renell Justice For Sumonsing of the Inhabitants of the Township of Chester to a townd metting in persuanc theare of wee proseed By the vertew of the townd metting a levey layd amounting to the sume of Ctt13
----S3 for the Defraying of Severall Charges And further it is agreed that John Rudderow Willam Hackeny & James Addams is apoynted by the Inhabitants of the township aforfaid to proseed in the behalfe of the Inhanitance to
Solict and proofed in a Suit of law against John Hollinshed concerning the casway January the 16 1710 by vertue of a warrant baring Date the 11 Day of january 1710 by the hands of Thomas Renell Justice for Sumonsing of the Inhabitants of the Townshippe of Chester to a townd meeting in pursuanc theare of we proseed at the house of James Adames and layd a teaxt for defraying Severall Charges accruing upon the townd a mounting to twenty pounds & ten shillings to be payd to Johnn Rudderrow or James Addames There was nothing written on page 36 left Pag ye 37 right Free
hold Jersey men 1712 Jacob
Hulings and
Thomas French 1713 4 Thomas
French Thomas
Adams 1715 John
Coperthwait John
Hollinshed 1716 Elias
Toy Thomas
Adams 1717 Thomas
Adams Abraham
Hulings 1718 Abraham
Hulings Thomas
Adames 1719 Abraham
Hulings Thomas
Adames 1720 Thomas
French James
Laconey 1721 Willaim
Matlack Juner Thomas
Hackney 1722 William
Matlack Juner Thomas
Hacknen 1723 William
Matlack Juner James
Shemein 1724 Joseph
Heritage William
Matlack Juner 1725 Thomas French Samenrell
Atkinson 1726 Thomas French Samell
Atkinson 1727 Thomas French Sameull
Atkinson 1728 Thomas French Samell
Atkinson 1729 Jacob Heulings Juner William
Matlack 1730 Jacob Hulings Juner William
Matlack 1731 Jacob Hulings Thomas
Hackney 1732 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1733 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1734 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1735 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1736 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1737 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1738 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1739 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1740 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1741 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1742 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1743 Joseph Stockes Thomas
Hackney 1744 Joshuah wright John
Rudderrow There
was no writing on page 37 left Page ye 38 right O C T O B er the 22 1713 by vertue of a warrand Baring Date the 15 Day of OCTober 1713 by the hands of Jerimiah Bafs & Robert Wheler Justises for Sumonsing of the
Inhabitants of the township of Chester to chouse Afsesors &
ouer Sears of the pooer in pursuance thear of we prosed by majour Vote Samenell Burges and John Roberts Choused for the over Sears of the pooer by majour Vote John Copperhtwait & Thomas Addames Afsefsors No writing on page 38 left Page ye 39 right At a
townd meetting held at the house of John Wards Juner
this 14 Day of Agust 1719 by
Veartue of a warrant Baring
Date the tenth day of Agust 1719 under the hand of
Hugh Sharpe for relefs for the Poer we prosead and
order that thear Shall be assessed and raised the Sume
of fouer pounds to be payd at or befoer the first day
of October next Joseph
Heritage assessor Anthony Frier
Colecter At a
townd meeting heled at the house
of Joseph Stockes
this ninetenth day of november 1742 by veartue of
warrant baring Date the thirteenth Day of November 1742
under the hand of John Hollinshed in order for relefe
for the Poor in order we prosead and order that
thear Shall be assessed the sum of Six pounds to be
paid in to the hands of the oversears of the Poor
with all Expedition in order for relefe of the Poor At a
townd meeting held at the house of Lancelot Brown
in the TownShip of Chester in the County of Bur lington
this twenty ninth day of December 1743 by vertue of
warrant baring date the twenty third day of December
1743 under the hand of
John Hollingshed Jn order we prosed and order
that thear Shall be afsesed the sum of ten
pounds for the relefe of the Poor to be paid
into the hands or the Oversears of the poor
with all Expedition in order for relefe Of
the poor At a
townd meeting held at the house of Thomas Lippincyt
in the TownShip of Chester in the County of
Burlington this 13 day of March 1743
4 it
was conclude that thear Should assessed the Sum
of 15 pounds for the Relefe of the Pooer to be paid
in to the hands of the oversears of the Pooer with
all Expeditoin in order for relefe of the pooer No
writing on page 39 left 40 left 1717 Joseph Heritage Assesor Thomas
Hackney Colecter 1718 Joseph Heritage Assesor John
Coperthwait Colecter 1719 William Hollinshed Assesor Thomas
Lipincot Colecter 1720 Joseph Heritage Assesor John
Coperthwait Colecter 1721 Joseph Heritage Assesor John
Coperthwait Colecter 1722 Samell Atkinson Assesor John
Coperthwait Colecter 1723 Samell Atkinson Assesor Thomas
French Colecter 1724 Samell Atkinson Assesor John
Hollinshed Colecter 1725 Joseph Heritage Assesor Thomas
Lipincot Colecter 1726 Joseph Heritage Assesor Williem
Matlack Coleter Juner 1727 Joseph Heritage Assesor Joseph
Stockers Colecter 1728 Joseph Heritage Assesor James
Dunlape colecter 1729 Joseph Heritage Assesor Joseph
Stockes Colecter 1730 Joseph Heritage Assesor Joseph
Stockes Colecter 1731 Joshua Wright Juner Assesor Thomas
Lipincut Colecter 1732 Joshua Wright Juner Afsesor Thomas
Lipincut Colecter 1733 Joshua Wright Juner Assesor Thomas
Lipincut Colecter 1734 Joshua Wright Juner Assesor Sameull
Atkinson Colecter 1735 Sameuell Atkinson Asesor Thomas
Hakney Colecter 1736 Sameuell Atkinson Assesor Lancelot
Brown Colecter 1737 Sameuell Atkinson Asser Lancelot
Brown Colecter 1738 Joshua wright Afsesor Thomas
Hackney Colecter 1739 Joshua wright Afsesor John
Milbern Colecter 1740 Joshua wright Assesor Lancelet
Brown Colecter 1741 Joshua wright afsesor Lancelet Brown Colecter 1742 Joshua wright Assesor Thomas
Coperthwait Colecter 1743 Danel morgan Assesor Thomas
Coperthwait Colecter 1744 Joshua Bispham Afseror Uhemiah
Heins Colecter No writing on page 40 right 41 right ye 8:
10 mo 1719 Then
Received of Thomas Lipincote the Sume of fourteen
pounds & six penc in cash which with ye Sefsors fees Eleven
shillings & six pence & the Colecters fees seven shillings
& six pence makes in all Ð 14
-19 -6d new
money for
the Township of Chester I
say Received as a bove per mee Richard
Smith Co Colecter ye
9: 1 mo 1719 Received
more of him fower Shillings all being the provin tiall
tax for support of Government per
mee Richard Smith Received
this 9th of 1 mo 1719 of Thomas Lipincote in cash the
sume of
one pound three shillings & firve pence & Discounted with him for
ye assesors and Colecters wages ye sume of one Shilling and eight pence
halpeny which makes in all 1
- 5 - 1
- 2/1 -------------------------- being
in part of County tax for ye township of Chester I
say Received as a bove per mee ye 4:
mo3 1720 Received more of ye a bove mentioned tax Richard Smith three
Shillings & eleven pence
2d per mee Richard Smith Received
ye 9: 1mo 1719 of
Thomas Lipincot in Bills of Credit at at
eight Shillings per OZ ye sume of three pounds and tenn shill ings
being adedd makes it L 3 Ð
17 Ð0 York which
being Reduced to proclamation is three pounds & fore Shillings
& tenn pence being part of the Rearage tax fo the township
of Chester I say Recevced as above per
mee Richard alfo
difcounted his one & ye afsesors fees fower
Smith Co Coll Shillings
& feven pence which makes ye ye hole sume L 9 - 9Ñ5 new money
per me Richard Smith Ye
4: 3mo 1720 Received more of ye a bove mentioned tax the sume
of Six Shillings & fower pence /2 d per mee Richard Smith Receved
of The Lipincot Colectore for ye Town ship of Chester the fum
of Eleven pounds nine shillings
Proclamation money it being
in full of the within mentioned Dublicate I say Receved this
10 of November 1725 per
The Hunlocke County Colector Reed
of Thomas Lippincot Colector for ye Township of Chester
the Sum of Five pounds which is in full of the
within mentioned Dublicate I
say Recd this 29 of March
1726 Per Tho
Hunloke County Colector 42 right Receved
of Thomas Lippincot Colector for
Township of
Chester the sum of Eight pounds shellings & five
pence which is in part of the within Lublicate I
say Recd this 27 November 1731 Per
Thomas Hunloke County
Colector Receved
of Thomas Lippincoat Colector for the Township of Chester
the sum of seven pounds six shillings which is in part
of the with in mentioned Dulicate
I say Receved this 5 of
Aprill 1733 Per
Tho Hunloke County
Colector Recd
of Thomas Lippincoat Colector for the Township of
Chester the sum of fouer pounds Eleven Shillings & nine
pence which is in part of the within mentioned Dulicate
Recd this 27th of November 1733 Per
Tho Hunloke County Colector Receved
of Sameuell Atkinson Colector for the Township of
Chester the sum of Eight pounds nineteen Shillings & one
peny which is in part of the within mentioned sum I
say Receved this 14 day of
January 1734 Per
Tho Hunlock County Colector 42 left Matlack
Colector for the Township of
Seaventeen pounds thirteen Shillings is in
full pay of the with in mentoned Recved
this Second day of november one dred
& twenty Six Per
Tho: Hunlocke County Colector Stockes
Colector for the Township of Chester pounds
Eighteen Shillings which is in mentioned
Dublicate I say Receved this
1727 Per Thomas Hunlocke County Colecter elap
Colector for the Township of Chester the ounds
nineteen Shillings which is part of ed
Dublicate I say Recd this 4
of november Hunloke
County Collector Stockes Colector for the Township of Chester pounds
Thirteen Shillings which is in mentioned
Dublicate I say Recd embor1729
per Thomas Hunlock County Colector Stockes
Colector for the Township of Seven
pounds forentten Shillings of
the within mentioned dublicate of
november 1729 per Tho Hunlak County
Colector Stoakes
Colector for the Townshipp of Chester pounds
& tenn shillings which is in part tioned
Dublicate I say Receved this per
Thomas Hunloke County
Colector paks
Colecter for the Townshipp of Contents
of the within metioned Dublicate 12 d
of may 1730 per
Thomas Hunlock County
Colector 41 1720 reced
then of John Copperthwait Colecter for ye Township
of Chester in CASH fower pounds Six Shill and
4:d/z & discounted for wages five Shillings & 7 makes
in all ye Sume of fower pounds & twelve Shil being
in full as appears per Duplycat for the Towne provintiall
tax for the year one thousand Seven hun &
twenty I say Received as a
Bove by mee Richard
Smith Co.
Collector Vari
Copia no
1720 Received
then of John Copperthwait Colector for
Chester in Vermont Certifiecates one pound Shillings
& in Cash fivue pounds three Shillings and
discounted the Sesors wages Six Shillings & which
makes in all Ye Sume of Seven pounds eight nine
pence being in part for that towns County for
ye year 1720 I say Receved
by mee Richard
Smith Co: Colltor d Vari
Copia 9 9mo1720 Reced
of John Copperthwaite Collector for
ye TownShipp of Chester in Cash on pound Shillings
& d3 & Difcounted for wages fower Sh which
makes in all one pound six shillings & d/8 full
as appears by Duplicate for that Towns Coun for
the year 1720 I say Recd as
a Bove by mee Richard
Smith Cc
Collector Veri
Copia 6 8
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