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NJA Vol.21 - (SALEM) SURVEYS, 1676



1676 June 21. Oath of Office of John FENWICK as Governour of Fen-
wick's Colony, N. J. 1

-------- Do. Do. of Richard GUY of Guy's Point, Township of New
Salem, Fenwick's Colony, planter, as member of the Governour's Council. 1

1676 June 11. Minute of Council: three acres of swamp to be al-
lowed for one acre of fast land. 2

1676 Oct. 3. Order by John FENWICK, concerning the fencing in of the
plantations. 2

1676 Oct. 4. Do. Do. for the regulating of fences in New Salem:
Roger HUCKINGS, John SMYTH, Samuel NICHOLSON, Marke REVE, John
ADAMS, William HANCOCK, Edw. WADE, Edw. CHAMPNEYS specially
mentioned as ordered to regulate their fences. 3

1676 June 25. Agreement of settlement and division of lands by the
chief purchasers of Fenwick's Colony and others now residing there, to
wit: every purchaser to have half of his land in the liberties of Chohan-
sick, the other half in the liberty of Allowayes; a neck or two to be laid
out for a town at Chohansick half for the Chief proprietor, the other half
in town lots for purchasers; the lots to be of 16 acres; the Town of New
Salem to be divided by a street, the land S. E. of that street to be laid out
in 16 acre lots for purchasers, the other side to be disposed of by the Chief
proprietor for the encouragement of trade. Signed: J. FENWICK, Edward
WADE, John SMITH, Robert NOBLE, Samuel NICHOLSON, John ADAM his
mark, Hipolite LEFEURE, Edward CHAMPNEYS, Richard WHITACAR, William

PAGE 555 [Salem] Surveys, 1676.

1676 July 5. Oath of office of Richard NOBLE as Chief Surveyor of
Fenwick's Colony. 6

1676 July 5. Oath of allegiance to John FENWICK by Samuel NICHOLSON,
Edward CHAMPNES, Robert WADE, Richard WHITEACRE, all
planters, of William HANCOCK, cordwainer, William MALSTER,
gentleman, John CANN, tailor, Samuel LAND, tailor, all of New Salem. 7

[Pages 8 to 22, both incl., blank.]

1676 July 12. Warrant of John FENWICK to Richard NOBLE for the sur-
vey of one half of Allowayes allotment, on the Northside of the creek,
from the head thereof to its mouth, then three miles up Delaware R.,
thence in a straight line by the rear of KIMBOLL's plantation to the rear of
the S. W. lots of New Salem, then E. to the path from Salem to John
PLEDGER's plantation, leaving said plantation to the Northward. 23

1676 July 13. Do. Do. for the survey to Samuel NICHOLSON of New
Salem, planter, of 468 acres, he having already laid out 16 acres as home-
lot in New Salem and 16 a. as town lot in Chohanzick, the said 468 a. to
be surveyed in the half allotment of Allowayes. 23

1676 July 14. Do. Do. Do. to Edward CHAMPNEYS of New Salem,
joiner, of 1968 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Samuel

1676 July 15. Do. Do. Do. to Roger HUCKINGS of New Salem,
planter, of 468 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Adams'
or NOBLE's plantation, a 16 a. lot in Salem and 16 a. in Chohansick mak-
ing up his 500 acres. 26

1676 July 15. Do. Do. Do. to Richard HANDCOCK of New Salem,
planter, of 468 acres adjoinging the preceding and making 500 a. as before. 27

1676 July 15. Do. Do. Do. to Richard NOBLE of 500 acres adjoin-
ing ADAMS plantation, in the half allotment of Allowayes. Marginal Note:
"He refused to have it surveyed." 27

1676 July 14. Do. Do. Do. to John ADAMS of New Salem, plant-
er, of 500 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Edward CHAMPNEYS. 28

1676 Aug. 16. Do. Do. Do. to John SMYTH of New Salem, plant-
er, of 964 acres in the half allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Handcock's
plantation; he having 20 a. in Salem and 16 a. at Chohansick. 29

1676 Aug. 23. Order of John FENWICK, deposing Richard NOBLE from
his office as Surveyor General for neglect of duty in not surveying accord-
ing to preceding warrants, for creating dissatisfaction &c., and appointing
Richard HANCOCK in his place. 30

PAGE 556 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1676 Aug. 8. Warrant for the survey of Edward BOARNE of the City of
Woster of 20,000 acres, sold to him June 1, 1675. 31

1676 Aug. 10. Do. Do. of 300 acres at Great Stayne Hook, Fen-
wicks Colony, of which 30 acres to Barbereca ERIXSON, 20 to Annica
ERIXSON, 230 to their father John ERIXSON and 20 a. to his servant, Henrick
EURINSON. (See Vol. Fenwick's Surveys, p. 14). 32

1676 Aug. 12. Do. Do. to Steven YERIANS et al. (See Fenwick's
Surveys, p. 13). 33

1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. to Robert WADE, of 468 acres in the whole
allotment of Allowayes, adjoining Edw. WADE, with 16 a. in Salem and
16 in Chohansick, 500 acres. 34

1676 Aug. 12. Do. Do. to William HANCOCK, uncle of Richard
HANCOCK, the surveyor, of 968 acres, adjoining Robert WADE, in the whole
allotment of Allowayes, to be called Whiteacres plantation, 16 a. in Salem
and 16 in Chohanxicke, making up the 1000, bought April 7, 1675. 33 [?]

1676 Sept. 18. Do. Do. to the Town of New Salem and the town
to be built at Chohansick, in one half of each at the rate of 16 acres for a
homelot to each purchaser, the main street being the boundary of each
half: both to be surveyed for 42 purchasers at 16 a. each. 35

1676 Sept. 25. Do. Do. to Anthony PAGE of Middletown, N. J.,
planter, of 1000 acres in Boarnes' 20,000 a. tract. 36

1676 Sept. 19. Do. Do. to John SMYTH of a homelot of 16 acres in
New Salem. 36

-------- Note: The like warrant for Roger HUCKINGS, Samuel NICHOLSON,
Edward CHAMPNEYS, Edward WADE, Wm. HANCOCK and
Edward BOARNE, of the same date. 36

1676 Sept. 19. The preceding warrants in extenso. 37

1676 Oct. 21. Warrant of survey to Benjamin BURDEN and George
MOUNT of the tract in the allotment of Chohansick, bought by them of
John FENWICK. 38

-------- Incomplete warrant of survey to Anthony PAGE of 16 acres in
New Salem. 38

[Pages 40 to 44, both incl., blank]

1676 12th d. 9th m. (Nov.). Warrant of survey to Richard GUY of 1000
acres at or near the point formerly called Elsingeburge Fort and now Guy's
Point, formerly granted to John TOWNSEND, said name having been used
fictitiously. 45

1676 Nov. 2. Do. Do. to John PLEDGER, who had purchased from
the Indians and seated himself before FENWICK's arrival at Bertonfeilds,
Township of New Salem, of 3000 acres in the first half allotment of Al-
lowaies. 45

PAGE 557 [Salem] Surveys, 1676.

1676 Nov. 2. Do. Do. to Hypolite LEFEAVER, who had bought from
the Indians and seated himself before FeNWICK's arrival at Holley bourne,
Township of New Salem, of 3000 acres in the first half allotment of Allowaies. 46

1677 Dec. 4. Do. Do. to Samuel HEDGE, my (FENWICK'S) son-in-
law, of the tract called KEMBLE's plantation and a tract beyond mill Creek
between John SMYTH and Richd HANCOCK, 47

[Pages 48 to 70, both incl., blank]

[Pages 71-74 are repititious of the returns of surveys in Fenwick's Sur-
veys, 1676-1705, pp. 1 and 2.]

[Pages 75 to 78, both incl., blank]

Returns of surveys to Samuel NICHOLSON, Edw. CHAMPNEYS, [1] John ADAMS,
Roger HUCKINGS, Richard HANCOCK, John SMYTH, Edward WADE (see Fen-
wick's Survey's, pp. 4--7). 79-84

1676 Oct. 18. Return of survey to William LAWRENCE, assignee of
Richard NOBLE of New Salem, file cutter, of 1000 acres, adjoining ADAMS'
plantation. Marginal Note: "There is a stopp put to it being claymed he
refused to have it set out at Allowayes." 84

-------- Incomplete return of survey to John ADAMS of 1468 acres in
the whole allotment of Chohansick. 85

-------- Do. Do. Do. to Anthony PAGE, late of Middletown, N. J.,
now of New Salem, planter, of 990 acres in the whole allotment of Chohansick. 85

1677 Sept. 29. Return of survey to Thomas APPLEGATE (see FENWICK's
Surveys, p. 10), to Benjamin BURDEN (ib.), Robert WADE, (ib. p. 11), John
PLEDGER and Hypolite LEFEVRE (ib. p. 15), Richard GUY (ib. p. 14). 86-91

-------- Incomplete return of survey to Edward LUMLEY, "I believe,"
of 230 acres in FENWICK's Grove Manor. 92

[Pages 92 to 134 blank, and then the book is reversed, the pages num-
bered from 178 backward.]

Laws, Orders and Acts of Assembly for the Province of New Jersey
Anno 1675.

Oath of office of John BOWNE and John THROCKMORTON as Deputies for
Middleton and Shrewsburry; of Robet VAUQUELLIN as Surveyor General.
Acts, to settle the Militia, to repair the arms, for building forts, to provide
for shot. Act for the establishment of Courts and Court fees. 175*

1676 Sept. 16. Commission. Richard HANCOCK of New Salem to be
Chief Ranger of marshes, swamps and woods in Fenwick's Colony. 171*


* Reversed paging, according to the record.

PAGE 558 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

-------- Order to Richard HANCOCK, Chief Ranger, to forbid settlers to
range or hunt the marshes for hogs, tame or wild. 171*

[Pages 163 to 170, both incl., blank]

1680-1 Feb. 18. Oath of office of Richard TINDALL of Tindall's Bow-
rie, as Surveyor General of Fenwick's Colony. 161*

1678 May 29. Proclamation of John FENWICK, calling the purchasers
and planters within the Township of New Salem to a meeting where he
will defend himself agains the accusations of John EDRIDGE and Edmond
WARNER, who by their treachery have ruined many families, incl. FENWICK's,
and "jeberded" his life. 160*

1678 April 17. Do. Do. calling a general meeting. 160*

1678 April 30. "The Ingagemt of John FENWICK Lord or Cheife pro-
preitor of Fenwick's Colony:" followed by "The Ingagements of his
officers then prsent," towit, James NEVILL, William MOLSTER, John
PLEDGER, Hipolities LEFEVER. 159*

1676 Aug. 13. Oath of allegiance to John FENWICK of Lass HENRICKS,
Stephen YERIANS, Mathyas SPARKLESON and Errick YERIENS, of Pompeon
Hook, Fenwick's Colony. 158*

1676 Aug. 17. Do. Do. Do. of Mathias NELISON, Mathias MATTISON
and Peter OULSON of Boughtown, Fenwick's Colony. 158*

1676 Aug. 9. Oath of office of Richard HANCOCK as Deputy Surveyor
of Fenwick's Colony. 157*

1676 Aug. 12. Oath of allegiance to John FENWICK of John ERIXSON of
Erison Stayne Hook, Fenwick's Colony. 157*

Laws, Orders, etc., continued from p. 175: Acts, for the recovery of
small debts by particular Commissioners; for the recording of births,
marriages and deaths in each town; exemptin arms and ammunition, plow
irons, horses and cattle from levy for the payment of fines; for the elec-
tion of Grand Jurymen; to prevent disorderly takeing up Horses and Hoggs
out of the Woods; fees for the seal; road commissioners for each town-
ship; bounty for killing wolves; country pay as currency; against furnish-
ing guns, powder, etc., to Indians; forbidding blacksmiths, locksmiths
or others to repair Indian guns; against disseminating false news; ap-
point Samuel MOORE of Woodbridge Treasurere for the Province; pay-
ment of taxes; appropriation for the Governour's expense in his voyage
to Delaware, treating the Indians, etc.; Capital Laws. [1] 156*


[1] See Leaming and Spicer, pp. 94 to 122, and pp. 135 to 137.
* Reversed paging, according to the record.



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