Friday, January 24, 2025
Historic Images of Hunterdon County
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High Bridge
High Bridge - The High Bridge Steel Plant - c 1910
High Bridge - Taylor Iron Works
High Bridge - A hotel in town - 1907
High Bridge - The Car Wheel Foundry - 1907
High Bridge - Car wheel foundry - 1906
High Bridge - Church Street - 1906
High Bridge - Church Street View
High Bridge - Hotel In Snow - 1910
High Bridge - Jericho Mills - 1906
High Bridge - Main Street - c 1910
High Bridge - Main Street - 1906
High Bridge - Main Street Looking S0uth From the Railroad Track - c 1910
High Bridge - Main Street - 1950s
High Bridge - Main Street view - 1908
High Bridge - Methodist Episcopal Church - 1915
High Bridge - New Fire Truck - 1920
High Bridge - Pace Block smth Shop - 1907
High Bridge - Post Office And Pool Hall - 1913
High Bridge - Reformd Church - 1906
High Bridge - Steel Mill - 1907
High Bridge - Steel Plant - 1906
High Bridge - Steel Plant and Pond - c 1910
High Bridge - Taylor Iron And Steel Office - 1907
High Bridge - Taylor Iron Machine Shop - c 1910
High Bridge - Taylor-Wharton Steel Company - c 1910
High Bridge - A part of the Central Railroad of NJ - c 1910
High Bridge - A bird's eye view of the town - 1906
High Bridge - View From College Hill - 1906
High Bridge - Taylor Iron And Steel Works - 1912
HIgh Bridge - 4th Of July Parade - C 1910
High BrIdge - Arches and Cortland Dam - 1909
High Bridge - Looking out over part of town - 1907
High Bridge - Beaver Brook Arch Bridge - c 1910
High Bridge - Beaver Brook Arch Bridge - 1906
High Bridge - Another Bird's Eye View of town - c 1920
High Bridge - The High Bridge Brass Band - 1906
High Bridge - A brass band, part of a parade, at the CRR Trestle
High Bridge - A postcard of the 1852 big CRR trestle
High Bridge - A postcard of the 1852 big CRR trestle
High Bridge - A bird's eye view of town
High Bridge - A Bridge at or near town - 1905
High Bridge - Bridge over South Branch - Riverside Park - c 1910
High Bridge - vicinity - Califon Gorge crossing - CRR of NJ - c 1910
High Bridge - Camp Taylor Council - 1908
High Bridge - Car Barn Foundry - locomotive wheels were made here - This is the Pattern Shop - c 1910
High Bridge - Church Street - c 1910
High Bridge - Church Street looking East - c 1910
High Bridge - Church Street in snow - 1906
High Bridge - Church Street Homes - 1908
High Bridge - Church Street - 1909
High Bridge - The Clintn Road - 1911
High Bridge - The CRR Arches - c 1910
High Bridge - The CRR arches Dorland's Dam - c 1910
High Bridge - The CRR arches Dorland's Dam - 1907
High Bridge - The CRR Depot - 1910
High Bridge - CRR of NJ Curve - 1910
High Bridge - CRR of NJ Depot - c 1910
High Bridge - The CRR Tunnel - c 1910
High Bridge - Dutch Reformed Church - c 1910
High Bridge - East Main Street - c 1910
High Bridge - Eas tMain Street - 1906
High Bridge - Foudry Truss Brjdge Road - 1907
High Bridge - FoundaryBrdgViewOf
High Bridge - Foundry Bridge - 1912
High Bridge - Foundry pattrn shop - c 1910
High Bridge - A view of the foundry - 1906
High Bridge - German valley River Cottage - 1907 - possibly misplaced/misnamed but I like the card:) Come to think of it, despite the metadata, it looks like Lake Solitude.
High Bridge - Public High School - 1911
High Bridge - Public High School - 1908
High Bridge - H.M. Pace Shop and residence - 1907
High Bridge - Homes by the CRR Trestle - 1910
High Bridge - Homes on Church Street - 1907
High Bridge - Homes , possibly on Church Street - 1905
High Bridge - House thought to be nnChurch Street
High Bridge - The High School Baseball Team - 1908 - Looks like a split rail worm fence bend them.
High Bridge - High School Baseball Team - 1910
High Bridge - Downtown - The place with the awnings and sign is said to be an Ice Cream Parlor
High Bridge - The Foundry - 1905
High Bridge - iron foundry pattrn shop - 1907
High Bridge - John Unger Meat Market - c 1910
High Bridge - July 4th Parade - 1917
High Bridge - july 4th Parade Folks - 1908
High Bridge - The Knox Taylor Residence - 1911
High Bridge - Lake Solitude - 1908
High Bridge - Lake Solitude - At the Falls - 1940
High Bridge - Lake Solitude - a boat house on the lake - 1910
High Bridge - Yhe Lake Solitude Dam - c 1910
High Bridge - A view along the Lake Solitude shoreline
High Bridge - Main Street - 1939
High Bridge - Main Street And Hotel - 1908 - The hotel is the balconied structure on the right. I have no idea who the persons in the street are.
High Bridge - A view of Main Street - c 1910
High Bridge - Main Street - 1906
High Bridge - Main Street North - c 1910
High Bridge - Main Street - c 1910
High Bridge - Main Street with Wagns - 1906
High Bridge - Main Street view - 1906
High Bridge - Methodist Episcopal Church - c 1910
High Bridge vicinity - Chestnut Glen Farm House - c 1910 - Metadata contained the word "Plum" which may be a family name
High Bridge - The High Bridge National Bank - 1908
High Bridge - The Nurses Float - 4th of July Parade - c 1910
High Bridge - An early Automobile - 1906
High Bridge - A resisdence in or near town - c 1910 - This may actually be identified but I can't make out the words
High Bridge - Old Lime Kiln Near town - 1907
High Bridge - The overflow of Foundry Pond - c 1910
High Bridge -Looking out over town - c 1910
High Bridge - Uncle Sam and company at a Parade - possibly 4th of July - c 1910
High Bridge - P.K. McCatham - wholesale and retail butcher at his shop - c 1910
High Bridge - P[st Office and Pool Hall - c 1910
High Bridge - a closer view of the Post Office - 1908
High Bridge - Public School - 1906
High Bridge - Public School - c 1910
High Bridge - Raritan Graphite Mill - 1911
High Bridge - Raritan River Gorge - 1908
High Bridge - Roman Catholic Chrch - 1909
High Bridge - The Reformed Church - c 1910
High Bridge - A residence in town - 1906
High Bridge - A residence in town - 1908
High Bridge - Rialto Hall Theatre - 1908
High Bridge - River At Gorge - 1908
High Bridge - River View - 1911
High Bridge vicinity - River Road - 1912
High Bridge - Riverside Park - 1915
High Bridge - Folks at Riverside Grove [Park?] - c 1910
High Bridge - CRR Arches - 1913
High Bridge - Hanging out at the railroad station - c 1910
High Bridge - The Railroad Depot - 1906
High Bridge - Railroad Depot - c 1910
High Bridge - Taylor Steel Company Stone Office - 1906
High Bridge - Taylor's Dam - c 1910
High Bridge - Taylors Dam looking dead on - 1908
High Bridge - Taylor Steel Office - c 1910
High Bridge - The CRR arches - c 1910
High Bridge - Tisco Steel Co Offices - 1908 - Looks like the Taylor Steel offices to me. Perhaps Tisco is a later name for the firm.
High Bridge - On the Clinton Road - c 1910
High Bridge - Church Street - 1907
High Bridge - Grey Crest
High Bridge - Public High School - 1908
High Bridge - Taylor Steel Plant - 1909
High Bridge - The Thomas Street Bridge over the Central Railroad - c 1910
High Bridge - Main Street Scene - 1910s
High Bridge - Bird's eye view - 1911
High Bridge - falls at a dam - 1906
High Bridge - mech06
High Bridge - Methodist Episcopal Church - 1907
High Bridge - Steel Company - 1905
High Bridge - Unidentified Bridge - 1907
High Bridge - Car wheel foundry - 1908
High Bridge - Church Street - c 1910
High Bridge - CRR Bridge/trestle - 1908
High Bridge - A dirt road near town - c 1910
High Bridge - Another view of the iron foundry - c 1910
High Bridge - Main Street and Post Office - 1918
High Bridge - The Reformed Church - c 1910
High Bridge - CRR Depot - 1910s
High Bridge - CRR Station - 1910
High Bridge vicinity - Unidentified bridge - 1906
High Bridge - High Bridge Steel Company Railroad Bridge - c 1910
High Bridge - The Foundry - c 1910
High Bridge - Downtown - 1940s
High Bridge - Borough Hall - 1930s
High Bridge - A view of the Reformed Church
High Bridge - Reformed Church - 1940
High Bridge - The Reformed Church - c 1910
High Bridge - T I S Steel Company
High Bridge - Steel Company - Machine Shop E - c 1910
HIgh Bridge - Riverside Grove - c 1910
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