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1678 ----- 18. Letter. Samuel LAND, late of the Parish of St. Mar-
tins, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of New Castle in the Duke's Prov-
ince on Delaware R., his wife Dorcus and John YOE of New Castle afore-
said, clerk, to John FENWICK, certifying that they have conveyed to Wil-
liam PENTON of New Salem, yeoman, the 500 acres bought of said Fenwick
May 14, 1675. (Defective.) 1


1678 June 21. Return of survey by Richard HANCOCK, Deputy Survey-
or, to Anthony PAGE, with consent of Edward WADE of New Salem, plant-
er, of 100 acres near the mouth of Munmouth R., in the allotment of Alla-
wayes, said river being the North bounds. 5

1678-9 Feb. 15. Request of W. MALSTER to Richard HANCOCK, to
survey for William JOHNSON, tailor, 500 acres of his, MALSTER's, 4,000 a.
tract on Munmouth River. 7

1678-9 Feb. 20. Return of survey to Wm. JOHNSON of the preceding
500 acres on Munmouth R. 7

1679 May 2. Certificate of Hypolite LEFEVER and wife Mary, that they
have signed to sell and convey to George PROVO, late of the Parish of St.
Martins in the Fields, Co. of Middlesex, England, now of New Salem,
cordwainer, their dividend of the 6,000 acres granted by John FENWICK to
said LEFEVER and John PLEDGER Nov. 2, 1676, that is 300 acres. 8

1609 (sic) May 10. Return of survey to George PROVO, of the preced-
ing 300 acres along the Northside of Monmouth R. alias Allawayes Creek,
adjoining PENTON's plantation; the lot to be called Provoes Holt. 9

1677 Sept. 4. Warrant to Samuel HEDGE, Surveyor General, or his
Deputy Richard HANCOCK, for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of
New Salem for Henry JENYNGS, taylor, the return to be made to Fenwick
ADAMS, "my Register." 11

1677 Sept. 4. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township
of New Salem for Richard ROBINSON, planter. 11

1677 Sept. 4. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township
of New Salem for Christopher SAUNDERS. 12

1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of
New Salem for George DECON, hatter. 12

1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of
New Salem for James NEVILL, gentleman. 13

1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem for
Richard GIBBS, hatter. 13

1677 Oct. 6. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem
Township for Peter CORNELIOUS, planter. 14

1678 May 8. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township of
New Salem for John COBLIGH, adjoining Richard Gibbs; return to be made
to Samuel WINDER, Register. 14

1678 May 20. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in the Township
of New Salem for Joseph BOWELS. 15

1678 May 21. Do. Do. for the survey of 20 acres in the Townhip
of New Salem for James NEVILL, gentleman. 15

PAGE 548 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem
Township for Marke REEVE, adjoining Samuel NICHOLSON's 10 a. 17

1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem
Township, for Edward LUMLEY, adjoining Marke REEVE. 17

1676 Sept. 10. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem
Township for Robert GOULSBURY, adjoining Edward LUMLEY. 18

1677 Sept. 7. Do. Do. for the survey of 10 acres in New Salem
Township for Widow Anne CRAVEN. 18



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